Project Ideas

If you need some project ideas, here are a few you to spur some inspiration!

These “idea kits” will give you a starting point if you don’t have any idea what project to do. Keep in mind that the information provided is just to supply a foundation so that you can initiate your project. Feel free to add more features and get creative to make the project your own!

Discord Bot

Use bots to customize your Discord server.

YouTube listener with Alarm Clock or Count Down

A Pomodoro timer countdown where Youtube/Spotify can be playing until the time expires. This is similar to to the “Turn off” timer that is already built into the iOS application, though more focused on a Pomodoro technique being utilized.

File Conversion App

How-to (conceptual): overview

Turn-based Video Game

Create board games, turn-based tactical games, or traditional computer games on the platform of your choice.

Recipe Recorder

Want a place to store all your recipes? Create an app listing the time it takes you, the ingredients, and any other details you may need.

Story Generator

Everybody likes a good story. But to be interested in writing one can be difficult. Why not build a generator?

Halloween Candy Dispenser with an Arduino

Trying to find a way to give out candy while staying socially distanced for Halloween this year? Make a candy dispenser with the help of an Arduino!

Mood Recording App

Simply recording your mood can let your learn more about your mood patterns. Create an app on the web or your smartphone device and make it as simple or complicated as you’d like.

Weight Lifting Tracker

Record the of reps/sets and weights of when you exercised.

Did You Feed the Dog?

Create a collaborative and interactive tracker for families for whether someone fed the dog.

Drink Water Reminder

You and your friends might need a reminder to stay hydrated. Connect with friends and send them notifications to drink more water throughout the day.

Grocery Food App

Estimate how long the food you get at your next grocery trip will last you.

Trivia Night App

Get your friends together over zoom once a week, and create an app that you can all use to fill out trivia questions & answers and keep a running tally of who's won over the weeks.



Open Source/Free Software

Data Analysis

  • R
  • Python
  • Octave

App Development

  • Android Studio
  • Google Firebase
  • Xcode (only for Macs)



Proprietary Software

Data Analysis


Computer Aided Design

  • AutoCAD
  • SketchUp

Circuit Simulation

  • Tinkercad